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Patagonia Program Update: Our Community Garden Takes Root

After a long wait due to Chile’s strict travel policies during the pandemic, we’re thrilled to announce the successful completion of our second trip to Patagonia! This trip marked a major milestone as we celebrated the launch ceremony of our educational community garden, located at the same school where we established the region’s first-ever recycling point in 2020.

Planting Seeds of Sustainability

The community garden is more than just a space to grow food—it’s a symbol of self-reliance and sustainability. During the trip, we hosted engaging workshops for both children and adults, teaching practical skills for growing their own food while introducing the concept of food sovereignty.

Food sovereignty emphasizes local control over food production, empowering communities to meet their needs sustainably. These lessons are especially critical in the face of climate change, as they equip communities to address challenges proactively rather than reacting to their consequences.

A Root-Level Approach to Climate Solutions

At Trek Relief, we believe that meaningful solutions to climate-related challenges start at the root—literally. By fostering education, sustainable agriculture, and self-reliance through projects like this garden, we’re building a foundation for long-term resilience in the Patagonia region.

This trip represents not just the continuation of our Patagonia program, but also a shared commitment to creating a more sustainable future for all.

Photo Credits: Christine Pham, Candice Young